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Judicial Independence

Judicial Independence & Access to Justice

Since July 2016, the 96-year old Republic of Turkey, under the rule of its President Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan , has gained the fame of a Country where fundamental rights and liberties are trampled: in
the last five years, more than 300 journalists, party co-chairs and tens of elected mayors of HDP (the
pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party), thousands of judges, prosecutors and lawyers, the head of
the dissolved association of judges (YARSAV) and President of Progressive Lawyers Association
(ÇHD) as well as more than 263,000, including academicians, writers and free minds, have been
detained upon the allegation of terrorism-related charges.
Not surprisingly, what we see today is a Country that ranks 107th among 128 in rule of law index of
20202, whereas, it was still 59th in 2014, in the aftermath of violent repression of Gezi protests

Click on the link to read the rest of the report.


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