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“Where is the European Court of Human Rights when it is needed most?!”
24th June 2022
Join us to stand in solidarity with hundreds of thousands, who have been silenced by the Erdogan Regime and remind the the European Court of Human Rights of its duties by raising your voice in front of the ECHR and ask these Questions.
24th of June 2022
Strasbourg/ France
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) turns a blind eye to the gross State Crimes committed by the Erdoğan regime in Turkey and idly watches as it chokes on the victims on a daily basis.
The Court has had several opportunities to establish the facts regarding these violations in Turkey and compel the regime to respect the basic tenets of European Convention of Human Rights. However, it failed in the execution of its duties and rendered incompetent especially regarding the systemic violations of the rights of Hizmet Movement affiliates. As the victims amount up to hundreds of thousands the violations constitute clear crimes against humanity.
In recognition of that, we, a broad variety of people from all over Europe, will stand in solidarity with the victims and remind the ECHR that fundamental rights belong to every human being regardless of their identity!